Thank you for stopping by for the Feature Friday post. This is a new series dedicated to highlighting leaders, educators, and innovators. Today's feature is on Daisy Dyer Duerr, K-12 principal of St. Pauls Schools in Arkansas.
Daisy is about being a champion for her students in rural Arkansas. She is a person who makes things happen, a skill she honed during her days as an athlete and coach. She was named a 2014 NASSP Digital Principal Award Winner, and was a finalist for a 2014 Bammy! Award. She loves all things tech, and her passion and ability to make things happen has resulted in her schools being technology-infused, which has given her students access to opportunities that they didn't have previously. Daisy is the founder of #ArkEdChat, a weekly twitter chat, and you can follow her at @DaisyDyerDuerr.
1. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An Airplane Pilot
2. What brings you the greatest joy?
Time with my family, sports (Football, Basketball), & all things education!
3. How do you maintain a work/life balance?
I DON'T! ;0)
4. What is the best advice you've been given?
Follow 1 Rule= "DO RIGHT"....from my basketball coach 6-12th grade.
5. What is a new skill you would like to learn?
6. What’s on your bookshelf?
Everything Todd Whitaker, Digital Leadership; Changing Paradigms for Changing Times, Drive, Seven Habits for Happy Kids, Five Point Play, Whatever It Takes, Gone With the Wind......so many more great education books....!
7. What did you learn from the worst boss you ever had?
I wanted to increase my sphere of influence on students....this is when I really began to believe "making a difference with students" was going to be my life's work.
8. What’s on your bucket list?
Trips to Ireland & Australia
9. You just won the lottery. What one thing would you buy for yourself?
For myself....more techie gadgets! (& some new High Heels!)
10. What’s your favorite book?
7 Habits for Happy Kids
11. What is your number one productivity tip?
Begin with the end in mind!
12. If you could have one super power, what would it be?
Flying....who doesn't want to fly!
13. Who is on the guest list for your ideal dinner party?
Educators: ones I know & don't know...so we could "geek out" and share experiences/tools/stories/ideas to make our schools better....ultimately to make things better for students! (REALLY!)
14. What would people be surprised to know about you?
I have 5 Tattoos!
15. What was your favorite class in college?
British History
16. What quote do you live by?
No Excuses...No Limits!
17. What is one thing you never, ever worry about?
Getting enough sleep! (I'm not a sleeper!)
18. If you could swap places with someone from the past for one day, who would it be?
Amelia Earhart
19. Who are your heroes?
Charles Berry (High School Basketball Coach), My Father (Joe Logan Dyer III), & too many educators to name!
20. What is one thing you wish you knew when you were younger?
One person CAN make a difference!
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