Sunday, January 1, 2017

My 3 words for 2017

I love this time of the year as I reflect on the year as a whole -- Did I accomplish what I set out to do? Did I help someone be their best? What did I do in 2016 that I need to stop doing in the new year? What did I not do in 2016 that I need to start doing in 2017?

Reading back through blog posts, compiling a list of the top 10 posts from the year, and reading blog posts and tweets from my network of friends all give me inspiration in choosing the words I will use to guide me in the new year. 

I used to make a list of resolutions which was usually a list of things to stop doing. A few years ago I followed the lead of Chris Brogan and began choosing 3 words to use as a guide throughout the year. I try to choose words that are very personal and meaningful that will keep me grounded through the highs and lows of the year. Sharing the words on my blog increases my accountability and keeps the words front and center as I map my course throughout the year. 

My Past 3 Word Choices

2014 - Discipline. Intentional. Balance.
2015 - Rhythm. Bravery. Fitness.
2016 - Focus. Purpose. Do. 

There’s a word that’s been on my mind for a while after I listened to an interview with Jenny Blake on Grant Baldwin’s Speaker Lab Podcast. (Jenny is the author of the new book, Pivot.) 

Then I read a post by my friend Dan Rockwell titled, How to Face 2017 like a Leader. He used the word PIVOT twice in the post, and I knew that it would be one of my words for the new year. 

Jenny uses the analogy of a basketball player (an analogy I can really relate to!) and how the player stays grounded with her pivot foot while the free foot can move about, looking for new opportunities. In life, these opportunities are things that interest us, including skills or projects. While Jenny shares her analogy when looking to make career moves, I think it can be applied in any situation that requires change. The pivot foot, the grounded foot, represents a person’s strengths and experience. As we enter into 2017, I continue to ask myself, “What’s next?” I want to continue to build on my strengths throughout changes and new opportunities and be ready to pivot when new opportunities arise. 

The second word I chose for 2017 is GO. Why this word? Because I know that action comes before courage. In 2017, I want to continue to take risks and to SAY YES to new opportunities and adventures.  It’s invaluable to me to have a PLN that supports and encourages me as I pursue my passions of working with schools, school systems, and individuals to help them achieve their goals. I plan to continue to GO forward throughout 2017!

Embrace fear, insecurity and uncertainty as the doorways of opportunity that they are.  - Jenny Blake

My third word for 2017 is GROW. While I’m a curious person who loves to learn, I want to be focused and intentional about it during the new year. Even when it’s uncomfortable, overbearing, and hard, I plan to embrace the moments and appreciate the growth from those situations. I also plan to ask for help from others. I can’t do it alone, and I need/want to know my blindspots. I will reach out and allow others to help me grow into the best person I can be. 

I’m already looking forward to the end of the year where I will get to look back and see the growth that has been made throughout the year. Thank you for letting me share with you my words for the new year. I would love for you to share yours with me in the comments, on twitter or on Facebook.

Happy New Year!

Fighting history fills one with doubt and fear. It takes courage and faith to pivot forward and create a future. 

- Dan Rockwell

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